If you are injured at work in Queensland, you are legally entitled to compensation under Queensland law. If you believe you are eligible for compensation from an injury sustained at work, you should consult with a work injury lawyer as soon as possible to assess your case and provide advice on making a claim.
A workers’ compensation claim or WorkCover claim covers injuries and accidents caused by the negligence of an employer or co-workers or any third parties that you deal with at work. Compensation is designed to cover any expenses incurred as a result of your injuries including lost wages, medical costs and rehabilitation costs, just to name a few.
Our work injury lawyer can evaluate your claim and provide legal representation for proceeding with your case. We offer a workplace injury lawyer Brisbane wide and throughout South East Queensland, serving both city and regional clients in the region. With personal injury lawyers Brisbane and QLD wide, call us on 1800 438 435 to get started, or contact our team to find out more.
WorkCover Queensland accepts claims for the following workplace injuries:
If a workers’ compensation claim is accepted, WorkCover’s support and benefits may cover the following:
These WorkCover benefits depend on the validity of your claim and the circumstances surrounding your case. If you need advice on whether you’re eligible for WorkCover compensation, our workplace injury lawyer can evaluate your case and assess your claim. Contact us to find out more.
Compensation can generally be claimed in two ways: statutory claims and common law claims. All claims in Queensland must first be lodged as no fault statutory claims through WorkCover.
It is vital to seek legal advice before accepting any offer from WorkCover, or before signing any documentation from your employer or your employer’s insurance company (including WorkCover’s Notice of Assessment) as the lump sum compensation offered by WorkCover may not adequately compensate you for the long-term consequences that arise from your injuries.
If you are uncertain whether you are eligible for compensation, you will be more than likely entitled.
Queensland law has made compensation claimable for a wide range of ‘workers’ including but not limited to:
It is important you contact work accident lawyers as soon as possible after your accident so they can lodge the necessary claim forms.
If you’re looking for a work injury lawyer to represent you for your work injury claim, we offer a team of workplace compensation lawyers Brisbane wide and across South East Queensland.
You can consult with our work injury lawyer before proceeding, so you know what to expect and what we can do for you. Our workplace injury lawyer will assess your case, evaluate the viability of your claim and provide legal advice on how to proceed with making a claim.
Call us today on 1800 438 435 or send an enquiry to info@injuryandaccident.com.au to get in touch with our work injury lawyer in Brisbane.