According to the information you have provided it seems like you may have a valid compensation claim.
We would like to chat to you to get some details of the circumstances of your accident and the nature of your injury.
You can PRESS CONTINUE and provide us with your contact details and we will contact you shortly, or you can call us on 1300 695 229. There is no cost and no obligation involved with the consult.
It seems like you might be out of time or not able to make a claim, however...
It is best if we chat to you and get some more details from you to see if we can still help. You can call us free on 1300 695 299 or just press 'CONTINUE' below and we'll contact you to get more details from you and clarify fully if we can help you...There is NO COST involved for us to assess your claim. We look forward to chatting with you soon.