Personal Injury Claims / Compensation Claims

Common Questions Answered

When we are talking about personal injury – in legal terms – we are referring to physical or psychological damage to an individual that is caused by another responsible person. This can be a car, a person, or perhaps the owner or manager of a public space.

Given that there is a large array of personal injury claims that can be made, they are divided up into other, more manageable legal categories. These can include:

  • Work-related injuries (including injuries from a commute to work)
  • Injuries resulting from using a public space (like a public pool)
  • Injuries resulting from a defective product
  • Injuries resulting from an assault or crime
  • Motor vehicle accidents

These are just a few personal injury claims you may be able to be compensated for. 
Our personal injury lawyers Brisbane and QLD can provide further advice regarding eligibility of potential claims. 

What do I need to do when starting a personal injury claim?

The time just after you have been injured is particularly challenging. You are dealing with an injury that has been caused by someone or something else, and you’re obviously going to be feeling stressed or confused about what to do next.

The first thing you need to do is to look after your health, and once you are stable and able to pursue some compensation for the injury you have sustained, you can do so with our help.

You need to know that there are upper limits on the amounts that you can claim for personal injuries for each state and territory, and you must speak with our specialised lawyers to understand the kind of compensation you may be entitled to.  

With personal injury claims, there is also a time limit over which you can against the party responsible, and the time limit does vary from case to case. The limit varies based on the necessity or urgency to claim if you have particular medical issues that you need to claim for.

Because of these limits, it’s vital that you get your personal injury claim started just as soon as your injury allows you to.

No matter what, you should also do the following if possible:

  • Collect the necessary evidence that is going to show who caused the accident, as well as any damages that were caused. Use Photos.
  • Keep records of what has happened after the accident. Track medical expenses, hospital/doctor visits, time off work, loss of wages,
  • Collect the names and contact details of people who may have witnessed the accident. Confirm their contact info.
  • If you talk to anyone about your accident or incident, take notes so that you can recall the conversation.

Who can make a claim?

If you have been injured in Australia as the result of someone else’s negligence, then you can make a claim for compensation. 

If you’ve been in a motor vehicle accident, have any form of personal injury, or have been injured from an assault or crime, then you can claim against that person or persons for medical fees, in addition to a case of criminal assault.

Contact us if you are unsure about the eligibility of your personal injury claim.

What can I claim for?

  • Medical expenses – both past and future – that have arisen from your injuries
  • Loss of earnings – past and future
  • Funeral costs
  • Non-monetary damages e.g. pain and suffering
  • Material damages e.g. a vehicle or possession